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AEK-919 K "Kashtan" submachine gun AEK-919 submachine gun was developed at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant in the mid-1990s for Russ...
The USAS-12 is probably the most well-known or recognized autoshotgun in the world. Made in South Korea by Daewoo and based on the concept...
The Cybergun G-Mouse, to give the device its correct title, appears to be little more than a plastic moulding of a hand gun attached to a US...
You’ve all seen TV shows and movies where assassins use silencers, the devices that screw onto the end of a gun and render the gun noiseless...
Specifications Features: Fires from RPG-7, tandem warhead design, bunker defeating capabilities Caliber: 105mm Tandem HEAT warhea...
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